The small annual membership fee will be put to good use, in helping support various beautification projects, as well as other FIG activities, such as the annual Market Day Celebration (homecoming) scheduled this year for Saturday, October 8, 2016.
How to Join FIG or Renew a current membership:
In the form below, select either an Individual Membership ($15/year) or a Family Membership ($25/year).
Then, click on “Pay Now” which will take you to the PayPal form. You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account. You can either make payment using a PayPal account or by credit card.
In completing the PayPal form, be sure to also include your name and address and your e-mail address so that FIG can provide you with updates on FIG meetings, FIG activities, such as Market Day, Ghost Walk, “Taste of Duplin”, and other events in 2016/2017.
If you decide later to Upgrade from an Individual Membership to a Family Membership, go back and select “Upgrade” from the drop down menu and pay an additional $10.00. The extra help will be appreciated. Thanks.