Artist: Claudette Rouse Shelton


Claudette in Studio


 Our Boys in Vietnam”
From the Farm Fields to the Battle Fields
Faison Market Day Festival 2015



 The Studio_700H

More Paintings by Claudette Rouse Shelton, NDHS ’65

Collection 1 – A Variety of Paintings

by Claudette R Shelton


Collection 2 – Murals in the Mt. Olive First Baptist Church

by Claudette R Shelton


 Collection 3 – Paintings In Private Homes

by Claudette R Shelton




Collection 4 – Pieces of Art.

by Claudette R Shelton




 Three Generations of Artist

Claudette Rouse [Shelton] discovered her love for art and painting from her mother, Myrtie Rouse. Below are a few examples of paintings by Claudette’s mother. Claudette, in turn, passed on her love of art to her son, John David Brown III.

by Artist: Myrtie Rouse

by Artist: John David Brown III

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